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La Jolla Strand Block 7 Card 2

LA JOLLA STRAND BLOCK 7 CARD 2.tif card 2 LA JOLLA STRANO BLOCK 7-Lots 25 & 26- Permit to Ch4istina Lepe! to const sing fam res & att gar in fr of exist-duplex 3 units on lot duplex to have 10' access 6662 Electric Ave Res 6312 3/19/52 Lots 17 & 18- Permit to John W Shook to maintain 4 unit apt bldg with 54% coverage 50"/4 permitted 6667 La Jolla Blvd R-4 Case 1180 5/3/57 Lots 19 & 20- Carl~ & Muriel Sjobring to const 18 sq' sign indirectly 1 ighted no neon tubing visible from st lighting to be subdued onlaJolla Blvd face of bldg 415 Gravilla R-4 DENIED req 22 sq' sign Case 3127 2/19/60 Lots 11-16- Permit to Gus N & Angela W & Nicholas G Wallace (Lots 11-14) Olivia D Andrews (Lots 15 &16) owners; John D Butler, pur, to const 30 unit apt house cov 62% abv grd, with undergrd gar cover 75% of par (50% perm) 6535-55 La Jolla Blvd betw Palomar Ave & Gravilla St R-4 DENIED Case 3864 2/17/61 Lots 11-14- owner Gus N Angela W & Nicholas G Wallace(Lots 15 & 16)- Olivia D Andrews, owner; & John D Butler purch to const 4 story 27 unit apt bldg, main por of bldg cover 50"/o of lot, lower level parking area for 27 cars to cover 71% of lot access court obstruct to sky by apts over (10' tp 12' access unobstructued to sly req) cond'l Case 3941 3/17/61----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------