La Jolla Strand Block 1 Card 3
LA JOLLA STRAND BLOCK 1 CARD 3.tif LA JOLLA STRAND BLOCK 1 CARD 113 Lots 1-3- Permit APPROVED by ZA to STEPHEN B. MACFARLANE to maintain or reconstruct existing two-story, 12-unit, apartment bldg. where 7 units are permitted, at 215 Bonair Street, Zone R-1000, Conditions. C-18292 12-30-83 Lots 18-20- ZA DENIED as requested the variance sought by Issac Gutman to erect 151 feet of maximum 5'0" high, chain link fence with slats on top of an existing maximum 6 1 8 11 high, block wall to observe a 0'0" side and rear yard where 9'0" is the maximum height permitted provided the top 3'0" is 50% open and complies with the design criteria with in the 4'0" required side and rear yard, but APPROVED with conditions a 5'0" high, solid fence, located at 325 Bonair Street, R-10,000 zone. c-20281 6_30_89 LOt 4- ZA TABLED request of MICHAEL PEI'ER KOUMJIAN to construct a parking enclosure on west property line of south west comer of building located at 201 Bonair;. zone R-1000 C-20460 08/24/90 Parcel B- ZA APPROVED request of EDMJND ELGHANIAN & AMAD JADIRI to construct an add, to an existing fourplex where three units would be pennitted by variance only, but DENIED the request to ma.intain an existing 7'=4" high solid fence in the required front yard where a 6'-0" solid fence is the max. pennitted, located at 338-344 Playa Del Norte in the R-1000 Zone, Coastal Xone, Pro. "D" Height Limitation zone. C-20474 1/12/90