La Jolla Soledad Card 1
LA JOLLA SOLEDAD CARD 1.tif LA JOLLA SOLEDAD- ~#~ Lots 2 & 3- Permit Jack R. & Diane Lyons to erect 65' of concrete block retain. wall rang. in ht. from 3' to 81 observ. 3' setback, where max. 3' high wall is perm. in a 10' estab. setback, at 5643 Desert View Drive betw. Soledad Mt. Rd. and Palomino Circle, Zone R-1~O Case No. 10561 N.H. 6-3-71____________________________________________________________________......-::r:::::___________________ Lot 21- Permit to Irene Honore to constr. attached 12' x 241 8 1 garage addn to exist single fam. dwell; garage to obs 6 1 411 int. side yd where 8 1 is req. 5828 0esert View Drive, betw. Soledad Mt. Road & Palomino Circle, Zone R-1-2O. C-1O788 N.H. 9-24-71--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 28-34 and Lots 203 thru 207, Soledad Corona Estates #3 and Lot 43, La Jolla Pacifica #1 Permit to Adobe Investment, Inc. (1) to constr one sin fem dwell on each of Lots 28-34 of La Jolla Soledad, each residence to be served by a private easement at rear where access from a dedicated street is req (2) residence on Lots 31,32,34 of La Jolla Soledad to obs 16' rear yard at closest point where 20' is required; (3) to constr one sin fam dwell on each of lots 203-207 of Soledad Corona Estates #3, each residence to obs at closest point a 16' fron yard where 20' is estab (4) entry bridge on Lot 43, La Jolla Pacifica #1, ranging in height from 0'-10' to be more than 3' above grade at approx 14' from front prop line (5) two bridge each on Lots 203-205 of Soledad Corona Estates #3 ranging in ht from 0 1-10 1 to be more than 3' above grade approx 4' from front prop line where there is a 20' estab SB on all of above lots; Desert View Dr and Soledad Mt. Road, Ely of Palomino Circle, Zone R-l-10. Cond 'l. c-12360 1-30-74 Appealed By W. Ross Stone- Appeal DENIED (3-20-74)----~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J