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La Jolla Shores Terrace

LA JOLLA SHORES TERRACE.tif._,,..-,-_.,,-':it' LA JOLLA SHORES TERRACE-Lot 4- Permit to Wm & Betty-Potter Hillyer to const lath-roofed arbor 16'x30', obs 10' to 17' rear yd (25' req} 8347 Calle del Cielo R-1-B Case 3083 2/5/60-------------.----------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot ll- ~c W+f ~ Jin. C.:s. Bottllaa to conetr 4etacW. aleeping N batb e44a._ oa lot v/exi.t 1n ha 4Nll, roca to be ued u Mnaat' quarten at 2351 c.lle-eorta ZODlt Rl.-20. 11-23-10---------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------- L9t 14- Agreement with Jeffrey and Kathleen Lysaught to construct a one-story addition to an existing single family dwelling. Addition with outside access to contain family room, full bath, and storage room. Addition accesses throguh kitchen of existing dwelling, located at 8530 Avenida De Las Terrace. Agreement /14177 1-6-89