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La Jolla Shores # 1 Block 13

LA JOLLA SHORES # 1 BLOCK 13.tif LA JOLLA SHORES NO I BLOCK 13 Lot 6- Permit to Stuart M & Carolyn Fraser to const 23'x27' gar with 6 1 rear yd NWly cor of Avenida de la Playa and Camino del Sol Res 2901 2/25/48 Lot 12 & NEly I' of Lot II- I '411 rear yd and O' side yd Permit to H W & Vriginia Bond to const l6 1 x63' gar with SEly cor Vallecitos & Camino del Oro cond'I Res 7077 1/7/53 Lot 6- Permit to SL Billings to const 2nd fl addn to exist bldg having 6 1 rear yd 2122 Avenida de la Playa cond'I Res 8151 4/28/54 Lbt 6- Cond'I Permit to SL Billings for Sey-Mar Corp to add 2 bdrms to exist 4 unit apt obs 6 1 rear yd (perm by Res 8151) where 15' req, new const obs all yd req 2120 Avenfda de I a.Pl aya R-4 Case 2255 I /27 /59------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots II & 12- Permit to Mrs Maxine L MacNelll to adj lot lines betw lots as shown on plat on file (approx 5') 8149 Camino Del Oro SE cor of Vallecitos R-4 cond'I Case 5984 9/13/63 Lot 11- Permit to Fenderson Associates tor a Floor Area Ratio Exception to dev prop located on tbe east side of Camino Del Oro, betw Vallecitos and Avenida De La Playa. Zone R-3 FARP #9 11-5-73-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------