La Jolla Scenic West Card 2
LA JOLLA SCENIC WEST CARD 2.tif--.. ~. ~... '"".. LA JOLLA SCENIC WEST CARD #2 (, Lot 1-AGREEMENT to GEORGE BERNARD dwelling with bar sin~, at 1969 Via to construct second story addition Casa Alta, Zone R-1-40. AGREEMENT #2843 to single-family 9-1-82 Lot for 4- AGREEMENT with JACOBO GOLDBERG & BESSIE M de GOLDBERG to constr. a pool with bath & wet bar on lot with exist. SFD at 1914 Via Casa Alta, AGREEMENT #3254 cabana change rm Zoned Rl-40000. 3/15/85------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 2- Agreement with Peter and Joy Kuttel to enlarge existing maid room with full bath and to add a sliding glass door providing outside access to the first floor of an existing single family dwelling, located at 1939 Via Casa Alta, zone Rl-40,000. Agreement #4170 12-16-88 Lot 7- Agreement to PSI Development, owner, a partnership and Dave Snodgrass, permittee to construct a coastal development located on Via Casa Alta. Facility is a 5020 Sq.Ft. single-family home with a 3-car garage. Coastal Development Permit# 88-1078 4-14-89 rot 6- PLANNING DIREr.I'OR GRANTED a Hillside Review Pennit to SAYED ALI to construct a single-family residence with associated landscaping, located on the north side of Via cas Alta, between King Arthur Court and Hillside Drive in the La Jolla Connn.mity Plan area, Map 8782, Rl-20,000 zone. HR__ #88-0102 5-27-88