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Development Services

La Jolla Park (Resub. Villa Tract)Block B Card 1

LA JOLLA PARK (RESUB. VILLA TRACT)BLOCK B CARD 1.tif L6 JOLLA & YFft m-ec;r QrasUB> OOOCl"7fc,-S BLOCK s. cARo #1 Sly i or Lot 2 & all or Lot.3- Permit to John H. Dawson to build a res at 7777 Lud:l:ngt.Qn Pl., with a J' 5" SB troa the tront prop line. Rea.11501 4,-;25-46 <(y---------------------------------------- Por Bllc L- & por P.L. 1285- Permit to Geo. D. & Corinne K. Kurr&7 to split into 2 par, one haring por fronting on ded at., tbe other fronting on.30' easaaent, & erect a sing fa res on ea, E end of Amal.ti St. Rea.#8006 1-15-54--------------------------- Lot 1 & Ni of Lot 2- Penait to Albert 1'. 171 to conat sin tam res with 75 rt. front- age on Ludington Pl. S-56.3 /-------------------------------------- Lot J & St ot Lot 2- Pend.t to Albert F. 171 to maintain sin taa res witb 75' front- age on Ludington Pl., Zone R-1. s-652 ----------------------------------- Lot 12 & Wly 86.2 of Lot 11- Permit to Robert E. & Nancy D. Kronemyer to add to kitchen & bedroom ot exist sing!am res to be used as family guest quar; two units on par, at 7709 Ludington Pl., R-1 Zone Caseil559J 4-19-6.3---------------------------------- Lot 12 and Westerly 86.2' ot Lot 11- Permit to Robert & Nancy- Kroneayer to conet library add to exist sing tam res and to incl add to dining rm, per plans or file; two dwel. loc on R-1-5 pare. exist time of zoning (C-5593) at 7717 Lud1ngt.