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Development Services

La Jolla Park Resub Villa Tract Block E Card 1

LA JOLLA PARK RESUB VILLA TRACT BLOCK E CARD 1.tif:, E> ot!> &SA..9 card LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK E Resubdivision of Villa Tract Lots 19 & 20- Res & Gar 15" fr pl on Kearsarge Ave Granted to J W Gernandt Res 55370 12/1/30 Lot 16- Permit to Genevieve Warwick, to erect garage in embankment with 10' SB from Soledad Ave 1555 Soledad Ave Res 72917 12/17/4o Lot 14- Private garage SB 7' from Soledad Ave pl Granted to Wm M Thompson Res 64463 6/2/36 Lots 5 & 6- Permit DENIED W L & Rhea R Wanser to divide said lots into 3 parcels, 2 facing Soledad Road and 1 facing Kearsarge Road, and permit single fam res on each Res 3355 8/11/48 Lot 13- Permit to Arthur E & Laney H Johnston, pur & Archie C & Eliz S Walker, owners to erect res with 5' SB on Kearsarge Rd betw Al Bahr & Soledad Ave R-1 Case 4ol 4/17/56 Lot 13- 6 mos ext granted to Arthur E & Laney H Johnston to const res with 5' SB on Kearsarge Rd betw Al Bahr & Soledad Ave R-1 Case 401E 10/8/56 l, Lot 3- TABLED request of Ave where 1 2' 8" SB i s req TH & Marjorie Van Andel to const gar obs O' SB from Soledad 1714 Kearsarge Road betw Ludington Pl & Whitefield Pl R-1-5 Case 7691 6/3/66--'.