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Development Services

La Jolla Park Block 51 Card 4

LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 51 CARD 4.tif,-/ u LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 51 Card #4 Lots 12-15- Classification of Use permit to Clift ff. Laperruque, a blueprint Co. proposed to be located in the RC zone on a portion of said subd. located at 7825 Ivanhoe Ave., is an enterprise similar to & not more obnoxious or detrimental to the welfare of tae particular community than those enterprises or businesses permitted in Sec. 101.0425 Res. 195846 1-23-69-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 32- Permit to Southern California First National Bank, purch & Clinton B. Smith, own to develop property as parking lot to be used in connection w/bank located adj to the west in the RC zone, where residential use only is perm at 1233-35 Cave St., betw Ivanhoe & Sil- ve~~o Ste., yi.. t~e-2 zon~, congl_ C-9927 6-26-70{_ vr/9-___7~-)-~ ~-.MJ---_(, ~...?.~.::.-?..,?,.[,_-_-_ C ~.: J.t)_.kl(/;;,_Li.-- t..~-1!.:c = J~.(,e._,.._.-_,!&;,_ t. Lots 20 & 21- Pe it to Fourth Church of Christ Sc~ist to erect one sin faced unlighted 34" x 34" x 3'-10" higtl sign advertising Sunday School hours resulting in total sign area on lot to exceed perm 20 sq. ft; sign to obs 5' front yard where 15' is req. TABLED C-10283 Date filed:5-24-71----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 31- Permit to Russell Forester to maintain exist 1 1-10" x 5' ID sign attached to 3' high planter wall where signs must be attached to face of bldg; sign to obs 4' front yard where 15' is req, at 1241 cave St. betw Ivanhoe Ave. and Prospect St. Zone CO. Cond 'l. c-13096 5-22-75 Lot 25 (por)- Permit to Clift Laperruque to const & opera Planned Commercial Development SW corner Cave St & Exchange Pl., Zone R-2 (proposed CO). 1-23-76