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Development Services

La Jolla Park Block 47 Card 1

LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 47 CARD 1.tif LA JOLLA PARK SI OCK 41 Lots JO & II- Zoning suspended Res 33201 2/2/25 Lot 17- Mr and Mrs E W Graves DENIED permit to build a res with a 41 rear yd corner of Prospect Pl and Torrey Pines Rd Res 2373 7/16/47 Lot 17- Permit to Mr & Mrs E W Graves to const a res and obs a 4 1 rear yd Wly corner Of Prospect Pl and Torrey Pines Road Res 2543 10/8/47 Lot I & NWly 9' Lot 17- Permit to Howard SF & Mary F Rand~h to const a 3'6f 1xl2' addn to an exist res which has 17' rear yd addn to have 17' rear yd 7826 Prospect Pl Res 3108 5/5/48 Lot 17- Permit to Miss Ruth Sikes to const garden shelter addn to res having 4 1 rear yd (See Case 2543) 7802 Prospect Pl R-1 Case 1796 4/18/58 Lot 9- Permit to Thos A Murphy to maintain apt in gar bldg, making 2 units 1406 Torrey Pines Rd R-1 the bldg obs 3'5' 1 rear yd & 11 3" side yd (25 & 4 1 req) cod 1 l Case 1846 & 1847 5/16/58 Por Lot 8- Permit to Veronica H Bowen to const addn to kitchen & add to front of exist det gar attaching to exist sing fam res with no direct access; exist dwell obs 9611 rear yd where 25 1 is req; lot split after date oforig zoning but prior to 12/5/54 14ol J. Park Row R-1 Cases 4942 & 494') 5/31 /62 Por Lot parking Pl ace. 8- Permit to Allen D. & Eliane Johnson to provide one parking space to a sfd, to obs a 0 1 front yard and extend into the right-of-way 13 1 at 7775 Exchange Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-14773. 12-8-77.