La Jolla Park Block 46 Card 2
LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 46 CARD 2.tif LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 46-Lots 8 & 9- CASE TABLED- project will require a Coastal Development Permi_t, it.9--7839 Atf{' Prospect Place, Rl-5000 zone. c-203ao 8-4-89 Lots 13 & 14, por Lot 5- Pennit APPROVED by ZA to BARBARA MATJ.'HEWSON AND BRUCE WI:ITTE to provide access to lot 13 across lot 14, located to the northeast where direct a7cess frcm a dedicated public right-of-way is required, located at 1534 Torrey Pines Road, Rl-5000 Zone, Coastal Zone. Conditions. 12-8-89 Lot 20, Variance was denied by ZA, PETER BULKLEY requested to maintain currently in violation 1) 69% floor area ratio where a maximum 60% is permitted; 2) an approx. 6 1 6" high, combination retaining wall/solid fence within the driveway visibility area, where a maximum height of 3' is permitted; 3) an approx. 10' high, combinatin retaining wall/solid fence within the front yard (along the west property line) where a maximum height of 9' is permitted provided that no single plane exceeds 6' in height and horizontal separations are provided in compliance with design criteria; 4) an approx. 10'10" combination ret. wall/solid fence within the rear yard, hwere a maximum height 9' is permitted and 5) an approx. 8'4" high solid wall within the east side yard where a maximum height of 9' is permitted and 6) an approx. 6'6" high solid wall within the front yard (along the east property line) at 1585 Coast Walk, Rl-5000 Zone c-21160 6-10-94------------------------------------------------------------------------~-