La Jolla Park Block 45 Card 2
LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 45 CARD 2.tif-,.,....-.--.... LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 45 CARD #2 J...~ l (Parcel 3 of Parcel Map #11844) Portion of Lots 23 and 24, Lot 5 and 6, and portion of vacated alley,- Permit DENIED by A2A to VIRGINIA WAY VENTURE to construct 60 1-011 of 8 1-011 high wall, observing a 2 1-011 front yard at the closest point where a maximum 3 1-011 high retaining wall is permitted in the required 15 1-011 front yard, located at 1540 Bluebird Lane, Zone R-1-5. C-18305 NH 12-30-83 Lot 22- ZA APPROVED request of ROBERT C & MARYANN STUBBS to constr. 160 exist. basement for use as guest quarters on lot with exist. SFD at 1532 Zone R-1-5, subj to cond. C-18392 sq. ft. addn. to Virginia Way, 4/30/84 \