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Development Services

La Jolla Park Block 40 Card 1

LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 40 CARD 1.tif ~ ~,,.......- ~- ', ~, ,, , ~ , f bA, JOU.A PA,f\K BLOCK 40 C~v::11//Lo Lots 17 t 18- Permit to Eleanor Ht1 7809 ~ookout Dr by Harold Abrams to erect an addn to exist house in C zone side yd 01 rear yd 20 1 with a lot coverage of less than 60/o E side Herschel 5' N Silverado Res 67729 2/23/38 Lots 7 & 8- Pennit to Fred W Cole to const a furniture warehouse with one apt above with total of 68'/o coverage on 2nd floor and ao side yd for the warehouse on 2nd floor El side of Herschel St betw Wall & Silverado Res 411 9/8/48 Lots 24 & 25- Permit to Geo A Peterson to maintain high grapestake fence on top of masonry ret wall 0' to 24" in height 7816 Ivanhoe S-C Case 1177 5/10/57 Lots 11 & 12- Z A considered app of Mildred W Workman & warren R Gray, owners & RC Kohler dba Colonial Oldsmobile, lessee, to maintain 41 x6 1 neon lighted, double faced roof sign proj 3' above roof & two 6 1 x15' painted signs, one on N side & one on S side of bldg perpendicular to the st where no roof sign or sign on side of bldg is perm 7837 Herschel Ave betw Wall & Silverado Sts 5-C DENIED roof sign and the two 90 sq' signs painted on side of bldg but APPROVED two painted signs, one on each side of bldg, exceed 50 s~-~ea in area to be maintained for a per not to exceed 3 yrs cond' 1 (ICJ-1'37(): r!Ar e{,,l,) Case 8384 11 /1 /67 Lot 30- Permit to Herve Turner to canst 2-story sin. fanrdw+l lilg over exist beauty shop; addn to obs O' int sldeyd where 7' req DENIED as requested but APPROVED O' int sideyd on the south side for entire ht of bldg, APPROVED O' for 1st flr on north side exc for recessed area approx 12' long, approx opposite bay window of exist bldg to the north at which point the sideyd on 1st fir shall be 3',with 2nd & 3rd firs obs 3' sideyd on N 7840 Ivanhoe Ave, Zone CS, cond'I C-13379 1-14-76