La Jolla Park Block 17 Card 2
LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 17 CARD 2.tif I. '.. ' '. LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 17 ~ e:ird 2 eJ,. f) Lots 43-47 & Sly Lot 48- Permit to build and operate addns to Clinic with over- night patients add'n to have 10' rear yd 476 Prospect St Res 5648 6/26/51 / Lot 3- Permit to Hugh W & Dorothy Proctor to const 3 car gar with apt over & apt at rear of gar with 6 1 access 545 Coast Blvd Res 6511 6/11/52 Lots 23 & 24- Permit to Fred C & Ruth Corey, Sr & Wm G & Mary F Corey, owners, & Harold K Fink Lessee, to oper office for psychoanalysis 413SCoast Blvd Res 6965 11/12/52 cond'l Lots 21 & 22- Permit to Leon Beatty to const 21 'x45 1 carport add to exist apt bldg,,-,' making 54.7% coverage wbere 50% is permitted 421 S Coast Blvd Case 154 7/20/54 Lots 34-42 & por Lot 33- Permit to Scripps Memorial Hospital to con st 2 story addn to exist hospital 464 Prospect St Res 7873 11/13/53 Lots 8-12- Permit to Scripps Clinic & Research Foundation. a corp to const & oper research laboratory 4 stories high at 503 S Coast Blvd R-4 cond'l AMEND to includeLots 6 & 7 cond'l 6/8/60 CUP Case 3256 4/13/60 Lots 8-12 L Permit to Scripps Clinic & Research Foundation to const lab bldg (Case 3256) obs 10' rear yd (15' req) & 11' SB avg req 503 Coast Blvd South R-4 Case 3385 & 3386 7/6/60 Lots 6 & 7- rear of Lots 49 & 50- Permit to Scripps Clinic & Research Foundation to provide parking spaces in connection with research found at 503 Coast Blvd Sputh & 496 Prospect St R-4 Case 3425 7/6/60 Lots 4-13- Permit to Scripps Clinic & Research Foundation to const detached gar on Lots 4 & 5 of parcel with non-conforming research clinic located thereon 476 Prospect S betw Cuvier St & La Jolla Blv R-4 Case 4709 2/2/62 Lots 5- 12- Permit to Scripps linic~& Res~arch Foundation to const & operate a research laboratory addn located Ely of South Goast Blvd betw La Jolla Blvd & Cuvier St R-4 ~ CUP Case 6081 12/9/63