La Jolla Park Block 16 Card 6
LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 16 CARD 6.tif LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 16 Por. Lots 45,46 & 47- ZA DENIED request of EDWARD W. SZMIT & HALINA A. SZMIT CARD #6 to constru!7 a 3-unit, 4-story apartment bldg. observing a 4 1 side yd on the north & 5 1 on the south where 10 1 ts reqd & a 4 1 rear yd where a 21 1 is reqd at 7652 La Jolla Blvd. R-1000 zone, C-18521 8/10/84 APPEALED to BZA 10/3/84- DENIED appeal but amended request to indicate a 3-story apartment bldg. observing a 4 1 side yd on the north & 5 1 on the south where 7 1 is reqd, & 4 1 rear yd where 18' is reqd.------------------- J------------------------------------------------------------------I.Dt 31, 32 & 33- Pennission is granted to PROSPECT' STREET PARI'NERSHIP, OWner/Pennitee to construct an eight-unit, three story, condaninium project with subterranean parking located on the west side of Pr(llect Street between Coast Blvd and La Jolla Blvd in Zone 5 of the La jolla Planned District. La Jolla Cormercial Pennit No. 91-0789 Planning Director Resolution 9356