La Jolla Park Block 16 Card 1
LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 16 CARD 1.tif LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 16 card I l <{t.ot.\20- Permit to Harry Blafe to remodel private gar into a portion of the dwel 1 side yd O' rear yd 20' and lot coverage 40"/4 259 Coast Blvd Res 70783 2/13/40 Lot 24 (por)- Residence to the PL on Coast Blvd Granted to Lois V Angier Res 63608 10/8/35) Lots 36 & 37- Permit to Helen Trevor to add one apt unit to a four unit apt at 324 Prospect Ave with a blacony 2' from lot line Res 2129 3/27/47 Lots 42 & 43- NWly 86 1- Permit to Richard Bartbelmess to const 14 1 xl6 1 sun porch add to be attached to rear of res which has no st frontage 354 Prospect Park CC 108702 appeal Res 6808 & 6809 and Council continued to 10/2/52 Res 2357 7/2/47 Por of Lot 30- Permit to Charles F & Elizabeth W Hartel to enclose the rear porch on a res with an 8 1 611 rear yd 246 Prospect St on a parcel served by a 3' easement to Prospect St Res 3040 4/7/48 NEly 15' Lot 32 & all Lot 33- Permit to Mr & Mrs Norman H Crisp to const the third I iv unit at 306 Prospect St said unit to be served by approx a 7' access court Lot 30- Permit to Edward A Dowd to make add 242 Prospect St O' rear yd & 3' sideyd also Prospect St 8 1 & 1 rear yd ' Res 3093 5/5/*8- to exist kitchen & add porch to res to add bedrm & firepace to res at 246 Res 4055 8/10/49 J Lots 12-14- Permit to Mrs Wylie W Evans DENIED pole 41 & 1x4 1 321 Coast Blvd to erect double face sign on center Res 6808 9/17/52 JLots 12-14- Permit DEIIIIED to Mrs Wulie W Evans to erect sign on setback 321 Coast Blvd Res center pole with 2' 6809 9/17/52