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Development Services

La Jolla Lomas Card 1

LA JOLLA LOMAS CARD 1.tif t,"i, LA JOLLA LOMAS Lot 7- Permit to Anthonie D Green owner & John F & Mary G Allen purchaser to readjust lct'I ine, per survey map on file in Plan Dept Muirlands Vista Way at end of cul de sac R-1.:.c Case 2201 12/19/58 Lot 9- Permit DENIED to Charles J & Anne Peck to erect 5' high fence obs 0' SB on Muirlands Vista Way where max 3' high fence is perm ise;tab 15' SB 725 Muirlands Vista Way near Wly terminus R-1-10 APPROVED a 5' high fence obs 7'611 SB Case 8454 11/6/67 ABOVE case 8454 APPEALED and DENIED and Decision of Z A sustained Case 8~54 12/29/67 Lot 12- Revocable permit granted to WA Hubbard 861 Muirlands Dr to install & maint a retaining wall to divert water into City drainage ditch over under & across Muirlands Or in accordance with the Revocabel Permit Application & Removal Agreement therefor on file in the office of the City Clerk subj to convenants & conditions Res 129628 11/8/55 Lot 4- Permit APPROV.ED by AZA to ARTHUR & MARDELL E. BRANDT to remodel and construct a two-story addition on existing single-family dwelling to observe a 4 1611 side yard where 6 1 is required, at 714 Muirlands Vista Way, Zone R-1-10. Condition. C-17033 NH 11-14-80 I.Dt 2- AGREEMENT with Don Juller to construct a bedroan with with i!J.terior access only located at 734 Muirlands Vista Way, AGREE# 3904 full bath and laundry rocm zoned Rl-10000. 1/20/88