La Jolla Hills Card 8
LA JOLLA HILLS CARD 8.tif LA JOLLA HILIS t47f.. s f CARD #8 /() Por Lots 58 & 59- Permit to JOb.n & Betty W. Truog to constr a sin f'am dwell oba a 12' front yd wittl deck and bridge obs at closest point al' front yard vbere 15' is req, and to erect approx 6o 1 of 6 1 111gb. frame and stucco wall obs at closest point a l':f'ront yd wtlere max 3' 111 wall is perm in req 15' front yard; at 7673 Hillside Dr., south o:f' Soledad Ave. Zone R-1-5. Cond'l. C-1Q6o8 7-1.6-71------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 51- Permit to Jaime & Baomi Alazraki on tb.eir AMERDED request to (1) constr s'l'l.imming pool on lot witb exist sin tam res; pool to obs 516" front yard were 15' is req (2) to erect approx 55' of block wall ranging in heigb.t from 5' to 81 obs 5' front yard where a max 3' tligb wall is perm in a req 15' front yard, at 2037 Soledad Ave betw Hillside and Lookout DriYes. Zone R-1-5. Cond 'L c-11199 5-19-72 Lots 58 & 59- Permit to Jonn B. & Betty w. Truog to maintain a single fam dwell now under constr witn eaves obs l' interior side yards wnere minimum distance of 2 1 611 from eave to prop line must be maintained witnin tne req 4' side yards at 7673 Hillside Dr betw Castellana Rd and Via Siena. Zone R-1-5, Cond'l. Appealed by Jonn Bacon- Appeal WITHDRAWN C-11175 C-11175 5-5-72 Filed 7-13-72--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por Lots 58 & 59- Permit to John & Betty Truog to maintain exist single fam dwell with por obs 3 13" int side yd where 4 1 is req at 7673 Hillside Dr betw Castellana Rd & Via Siena Zone R-1-5 C-11385 N.H. 7-18-72