La Jolla Hills Card 3
LA JOLLA HILLS CARD 3.tif v; JOLLA HILLS e eard 3 Lot 62 & por Lots 61 & 63- Permit to Geo W Hearn to const res ABOVE with 171 SB fr privat, easement where 30' is req Case 1179 2/21/58 6 mo ext 7/24/58 Final ext 2/19/59 JLot 43 & S 5 1 of 42- Permit DENIED to Joan Drinkwater for Lookout Dr betw Soledad Ave & Blvd Pl R-1 Lots 21 & 22- Permit to Harry & Jan Crosby to const sing Z868 Lookout Dr R-1 slit rior to 12/5/54 Q 0 SB but 10 1 SB granted ~ Case 2040 9/12/58 fam res on por of lots W of Case 2169 12/4/58 Lots21 & 22 (por- Permit to Crosby 1 s to erect sing fam but 2 1 SB approved at that pt 5' SB on S side res with 0' SB on W was Denied Case 2168 12/4/58 Sly 70' Lot 45- AGREEMENT 1263 to Harold C & Frances B converted from gar Hillside Dr Torbert for sink in playroom 7 /26/63 Lot 28 exc W 40 1- Permit to Wm E & Harriette which obs 10' rear yd where 20 1 is req addn Iddings, Jr to const addn to exist res to obs all yd req 7887 Lookout Dr R-1 Case 2208 1/8/59 Lot 28 exc W 40'- Permit to Wm E & Henriette Iddings, Jr to const addn to exist res on Jot split aft orig zoning but prior 12/5/54 7887 Lookout Dr R-1 Case 2209 1/8/59 W 40 1 Lot 28- Permit to Mildred Thompson to add to & alter exist sing fam res obs 5' rear yd 20 1 req split aft orig zon but prior 12/5/54 7877 Lookout Dr R-1 cond 1 l Cases 2711 & 2712 8/12/59 Por Lot 22, all Lot 23- Permit to Herschel R & Eliz Snodgrass to const 2 sty addn 2 bdrms, 2 baths, 2!iv rms to sing fam res on par split prior to 12/5/54 7872 Lookout Dr R-1 on cond Cert of Survey be filed Case 2820 9/18/59