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Development Services

La Jolla Hills Card 1

LA JOLLA HILLS CARD 1.tif.,,,.,..,:~J <"'s:::-.... LA JOLLA HILLS f card Lot 53- W por Res & 2 car gar one cor at the p 1 of Lot & Hillside Dr Lawrence H Smith Res 50092 Lot 8- Res & ar to the Lookout Dr Granted to Lowr Mcclanahan 11/17/36-Lot 3 (por).- Erect maids qtrs R-1 with 5' side yd 10' rear yd 7 9 Lookout Dr Granted to Mrs KR Meysenburg Res 66908 12/7/37 Por Lot 32- Permit to Eric R & Mary M Miller to const a sing fam res Soledad Ave Ely of Lookout Dr Res 2851 2/11/48 Lot 15- Erect gar to front PL R-1 with a side yd of 21" Granted to Dr FD Ullrich 7788 Lookout Dr Res 69118 4/4/39 Por Lot 32- Appeal filed by Homer Bagg on Res 2851 ABOVE DENIED and zoning committee decision sustained Res 88564 3/2/48 Por Lot 59- Permit to Lawrence A Barr to canst a res with no SB from Hillside Dr Sly of Soledad Avenue Res 2961 3/10/48 ~Por Lots 21 & 22- Permit to Rose Delora & Earl LR Bailey to canst gar with no S8 on Lookout Dr Res 3056 4/248 i.L~ot 31- Permit to Mrs Ernestine Guymon to erect a res with a 611 SB on theN side of,!-'Soledad 200' E of Lookout Dr Res 3234 6/16/48 Por Lot 71- Cond'I permit to Katheran Mccommon to split into 2 parcels & build sing fam res on ea Hillside Dr approx mi Sly of Soledad Ave Res 4305 11/30/49 Lot 15- Permit to J B Oldendorf to erect 2' of lattice on 4 1 fence beyond SB line 7788 Lookout Dr Res 4361 12/28/49 Lot 36- Permit to James M Young Jr to canst approx 20'x20' gar addn to exist res with 9' rear yd & to acquire an add por of Lot 36 accord to the legal des on file in the Planning Dept Office 7809 Lookout Dr Res 5KB 11/15/50