La Jolla Hills #2 Card 3
LA JOLLA HILLS #2 CARD 3.tif LA JOLLA HILLS NO. 2 CARD #3 > ~ Por- Permit to Robert w. Clanton to dev prop located.on the south side of Hillside Dr, north of Via Siena. Zone R-1-5, LC-13 10-17-72 Por Lot B- Permit to Dr. Silvio.Varon for Land Conservation Permit Approval for tne property on the S side of Hillside Dr. 30-LC 5-15-73 Por Lots A & C- Land Conservation Permit Approval to B. Hughes, 7520 Hillside Dr for library addition to existing dwelling on tne South side of Hillside Dr and between Via Siena and Castellana. 72-LC 12-17-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por Lot A- Permit to Charles E. & Joan A. Snyder to canst a three-story, sfd: (1) to obs a 20 1 rear yard; (2) to provide ti',() supplemental parking spaces obs a 5' front yard; (3) to provide access to req pking from the easement on adj lot to the northeast; (4) to erect two posts of an entry court 3,5' high obs a 17' front yard. Conditions. 7570 Hillside Drive. Zone R-1-40 {H.R.). C-15260. 8-4-78. Por of Par B- Permit to Youngson Co. at 7390 int sideyd onSo. side, 7' on No side; (2) 38' eas~. ent on par adj to So. Condi):.., ~ -..ijf. "6 ~ ~ \o-;i. '-f- i' \ U l- l-i-go OJ & 7394 Hillside Dr., Zone R-1-40- (I) 0 1 ht on No side; (3) access to pkg from 20' C-15774 4/13/79-----------------------------------------------------------------~---------------------Portion Lots C & D- & Vacated Gravina Drive- Permit to Samuel R. ~ Lynne J. Hall to construct garage and tennis court on lot with proposed single-family dwelling: (I) garage to observe a 20' rear yard where 30' is required; (2) retaining wall ranging in height from 10' to 12' with open fencing (overall maximum height 15') to observe at the closest point a 17',rear yard and a 6 1 interior side yard on the east where maximum 6 1 hicih w9Jls)-~-- <11s-F,7 (_ ~k