La Jolla Hermosa Block 17 Card 2
LA JOLLA HERMOSA BLOCK 17 CARD 2.tif_LA---'-Jo"""L=L..... A-"H__ E__ RHO_____ SA_____________ ""'"a:::.::L~o.:.:cK.:... .!.;2'--_-_-_-_ _-_--_-__---- cARo#;-~- Lot 6- AGREEMENT to PAUL ANO NANCY GILLCRIST to maintain detached garag~ with bath and laundry room on lot with existing single-family dwel 1 ing, at 6019 La Jotla Boulevard, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2741 1-12-82 Lot 7, CUP Variance Guest Quarters permit was approved by CM, IAN GARDNER, 0WNER/PERMITTEE sought to maintain a 350 sq. ft. detached, guest quarters that observes a 3' interior side yard where 4' is required, consisting of a bedroom, full bath, and a storage area described as, and identified by size, dimension, quantity, type, and location on the approved exhibits at 6010 La Jolla Hermosa Avenue, Rl-5000 Zone 98-0981 7-28-99