La Jolla Hermosa #2 Block 39 Card 1
LA JOLLA HERMOSA #2 BLOCK 39 CARD 1.tif ',,, ~. LA JOL1,A HERMOSA NO 2 BLOCK 39 card Ill Lot 3- Permit to B Shepherd tO build a res within 611 frt PL on Folsum Res 49732 4/15/29 Lot- Permit granted to FL Alcott Jr res SB 5' fr PL on Folsom Dr Res 64640 7/14/36 Dr.&02 9' Lot 6- Gar to the PL (Folsom Dr) Ord 733 withdrawn by P J Fisher 3/20/40 Lot 2- Permit to Mrs AN Rhines to const res & gar with no SB fr Folsom Drive for the gar but res to obs req SB SWly side of Folsom St approx NW of Dodge Dr Res 2006 l /30/47 Lot 2- Permit to Mrs AN Rhines to const a patio wall 5 1 611 high in frt of SB lin~-"~ the gar & res on the SWly side of Folsom St approx NW of Dodge Dr Res 2007 1/30/47 Lot 5- Permit to Mrs Hazel E Kutzner & Miss Edna Viola Ernsting to cnst 5' hi blk wall 5' from prop line cond'l 6010 Folsom Dr Res 5608 6/13/51 Lot 10- Permit to Lyle E & Barbara Linder to erect res with 141 rearyd E side Bellevue Ave approx 125' S of Folsom Dr Res 6008 11/14/51 Lot 10- Permit to Lyle E & Barbara Linder to erect res over gar res with req SB gar to extend 5' closer to fr prop line E side Bellevue Ave Res 6013 11/14/51 Lot 2- AGREEMENT to Andrew A. & Dorothy D. Bensen to remodel existing two-story, single-family dwelling and maintain wet bar in recreation room on lower level, at 6044 Folsom Drive, R-1-5 zone. AGREEMENT #2692 8/12/81