La Jolla Gables Card 2
LA JOLLA GABLES CARD 2.tif LA JOLLA GABLES Lot 29- Permit to v.E. Handley to maint fence on West lot line 35' from front property line to a max hgt of 5 '8" above the retaining wall at 544 Palomar Ave. Res. 5487 5-2-51 Lot l &.82' of 2- Permit to J.a. McArthur to const bdrm & bath & gar addn with 6 1 rearyd exist res with 6 1 rear yd 6235 Dowling Dr. Res 6198 2-20-52 Lot l & SWly.82' 2- Permit to J.G. McArthur to erect sin fam res & gar, gar with 3' SB & res to conf to the 15' SB SE cor Dowling Dr. & Electric. Res. 6959 11-12-52-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot l & Swly.82' of 2- Permit to J.G. McArthur to erect sin fam res & gar, res to have 6 1 rear yd, gar with 2' sideyd & 2' rearyd, SE cor Dowling Dr. & Elactric Ave. Res. 6960 11-12-52-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 4- Permit to Lawrie & Joan Chisholm to maint 7' fence alg rear prop line & s. prop line, 56 1 back of fr prop line, at 6261 Dowling Dr., C-174 10-5-54------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 43- Permit to Wm.B. Barkley to const addn of bedrm & bath to res, the addn to obs 13' rear yd {15') at 433 Palomar Ave. R-2 C-278 ll-3-55-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por Lot A- Permit to J.H. & Virginia A. Workman to const 16 1 x 20' gar add to exist gar with no rear yd, gar to be 56o sq ft at 6505 Electric Ave. Resa. 4752 6-19-50