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Development Services

La Jolla Gables Card 1

LA JOLLA GABLES CARD 1.tif LA JOLLA GABLES 'fl/lJ,ljfi (l\,q),)I':- #1 '4' <(Ely 95' of Tract A- Permit to Robt F. & K,B. Legge, purch & F. & B. Kunce, own to divide said parcel into two parcel.a, 50' & 45 1 in widtb & const a sin tam res on Wly 45 11W corner of Palomar & Tyrian St. Res. 2758 12-31-47 Lot 76- Permit to Stepben Farrell to const solid board fence in front of SB line on Dowling Dr., said fence to be the same tit. as existing fence on 2nd lot to north, but not nigher than 6 1, and to be no closer to the property line on Dowling Dr. tban exist fence. Res. 3590 12-1-48 Lot 77- Permit to David E. Woods, own & George H, Donnelly, pur to const duplex with 10' SB from Electric Ave. & 10' SB from Dowling Dr., N side of intersec at Electric Ave. & Dowling Dr. Res. 38oo 4-6-49 Lot 15- Permit DENIED to Col. F.dgar w. & Faye H. Miller to const gar in partial bank, 5' SB, 6421 Dowling Dr. Res. 4336 12-1.4-49 Lot 62- Permit to Mark c. Hurst to erect a 16 1 x 23' add to exist res witb 12 1611 rear yd at 435 Retaheim Way. Res. 4447 2-8-50 Lot 1- Permit to J.G. McArtbur to constr bedroom-bath & gar addn, 8 1 rear yd at nearest point, 6235 Dowling Dr. Res. 4538 3-22-50