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Development Services

La Jolla Farms # 6

LA JOLLA FARMS # 6.tif LA JOLLA FARMS CARD #6 Subdlv. of Lot J- APPEAL GRANTED AND VARIANCE DENIED- Appellant: Robert B. Krueger; ~t) Applicants: D~ld F. & Berni! Cole to maintain accessory bldg on lot with exist sinfam dwell, at 9832 La Jolla Farms Rd., Zone R-1-20. C-15507 2/1/79------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Portion Lot 4- AGREEMENT to Hughes & Sheila Potiker to construct guest room addition with bath to an existing single-family dwelling, at 9822 La Jolla Farms Road, Zone R-1-20.- AGREEMENT #2530 2-15-~0 Lot 40- Permit DENIED as requested by ZA, but APPROVED a request of SHAW GROUP to const. tennis court on lot with single family dwelling; (1) to erect 150 1 of 8 1 high chain-link fence around tennis court, observing 5 1 rear yard where maximum 6 1 high fence is permitted in required 25 1 rear yard; (2) to erect six 16 1 high lights where lights are permitted only by conditional use permit at 9431 La Jolla Farms Road, Zone R-1-20. CUP 16663 4/29/80 Lot 78- Permit APPROVED to ABDUL MONIEM AKEEL &SARAH ABDUL MONIEM AKEEL to erect a 61 ~igh open wr?ught iron fence observing 10 1 front setback where a 31 high fence is permitted 1n an establ 1shed 15 1 setback, at 9775 La Jolla Farms Road Cl6765 5/7/80