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La Jolla Del Norte #2 Card 3

LA JOLLA DEL NORTE #2 CARD 3.tif LA JOLLA DEL NORTE NO. 2 Lot 'Zl- Permit to Mr & Mrs Cllft,on C. req) at 8131 Calle del Cielo, R-lB 9"', ~ Pierce to const single tam res obs 8 1 side yd.(10 1 1 C-1748 J-18-58---------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 28- Permit to Barry Lyons IJ. & Peggy to const sin- f'am res & gar obs7 1 side yd (10 1 req) & 41611 eaves to prop line where (7'611 req) east side of Calle del Cielo, R-lB zone. C-2427 4-10-59-------------------------------------------------------------------------~-- Lot 24- Permit to Richard D. & Marion Young to erect 51 high chain link f'n 0 1 SB on Calle del Cielo (3 1 perm) at 2496 Avenida de la Playa, R-lB. C-3077 2-10-60 Lot 23- Permit to Dr. John & Fay B. Lucas to erect approx i5' of' solid bllc wall varying in ht from 0 1 to 8 1 encroaching 20 1 into estab 20 1 5B where a 3 1 high rn is perm; to erect approx.360 1 or 121 high chain link rn around tennis ct where a 61 high fn above adj ground level is perm, and to encroach 191411 into estab 20 1 SB where a 31 high rn is perm, at 8152 Calle del Cielo, R-1-20 zone. (lxt. ot tiae GRAJl'!'ID, 1 yr.,to exp. 9-1-68- 8-16-67) C-7864 9-1-66-----------------------------------------------------------------------------