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La Jolla Country Club Heights#2 Card 2

LA JOLLA COUNTRY CLUB HEIGHTS#2 CARD 2.tif,\ LA JOLLA COUNTRY CLUB HEIGHTS #2 llwtS> .c" ', S '{Card #2 Lot 13 (Por), Blk 6- Permit to Steven & Robyn Raskind to const a sfd: (I) obs O' front yd at closest pt; (2) to erect 62' of ret wal I ranging in height from O'_;o 20' obs at clst pt a I'&' sd yd. 7000 Block of Country Club Drive. R-1-10 Zone. Conditions. C-14238. 6-13-77, Iot-rn-:--AGREEME Nr- t;-R; "if~-"ii~~r R~t:i-wy~-r-t;-f ~st~ I,-~-b~-r- ~i~i <-i ~-P;; 1--r;;;-;~-1;~~-;.---J;:r level in existing single-family dwelling, at 7114 Country Club Drive, Zone R-1-10. AGREEMENT #2635 1-22-81 Lot 12 (Portion),Block 6- Permit was considered by ZA to WILLIAM M. & JUDITH A. CHANCE to construct a 28 1 X 23'-6" garage and an 8 1 X 12'-6" trellis addition to existing single-family dwelling; additions to observe a 31'-6" front yard where 45' is established, and garage to observe a 0' interior side yard where 6 1 is required, at 7106 Country Club Drive, Zone R-1-10. DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED a 31 '-6" front yard where 45' is established. Conditions. c-17236 5-22-81 Lot 12 Block G- ZA has DENIED as requested but APPROVED the request of JOYCE RUSSO ADEMA- to have a front yard of 46'-0" where minimum 55 1-0" is extablished, w/cond., at 7102 Country Club Drive, Map 2165, Rl-10,000 zone,Coastal Zone, Proposition "D" Height Limitation zone. C-19756 10/23/87