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La Jolla Country Club Heights Block F Card 1

LA JOLLA COUNTRY CLUB HEIGHTS BLOCK F CARD 1.tif LA JOIJ.,A. COUNTRY CLUB HEIGHTS BLOCK F Por Lot 3- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. T. S. Geisel to constr sing fam res & to constr said res47 w/6 1 rear yd & no side yd, E side of Encelia Dr, S of intersection w/Brodiaea Way Res No. 3351 8-11-48 Por Lots 1 & 2- Permit to Dr. G. G, Koma.romy to constr sing fem res on por of two R-1 Lots, Encelia Dr & Brodiaea Way. Res No. 5686 7-11-51 Por Lot 3- Permit to T. S. & Helen Geisel to constr addn to exist nonconform res which obs 6 1 rear yd & 0 side yd, addn to observ all yd req; at 7301 Encelia Dr, Zone R-lC. Case No. 2296 2-6-59 Por Lot 3- PERMIT to T.S. & Helen Geisel to convert exist gar to living qtrs & constr det carport, ea w/5' rear yd (25' min req); at 7301 Encelia Dr, Zone R-lC. Case No. 2361 3-13-59 Por Lot 3- PERMIT to T.S. & Helen P, Geisel to constr dining-rm addn to exist single fa.m res, alter living-rm & add trellis, exist dwell obs 6 1 rear yd; addn_ to observe all yd req; 7301 Eucelia Dr1 S of Brodiaea Way. Zone R-1c; N.H. Case No. 3953; 3-14-61 Lot 3- PERMIT to Theodore S, & Helen P. Geisel to constr 9' x 9 1 study addn to exist single fa.m res which obs 8 1 rear yd; addn to observe 8 1 rear yd where 25' is req, at 730 Encelia Dr, Zone R-lC. Case No. 5194 9-20-62 Lot 3- Permit to Theodor Geisel to (1) constr 15 1 6" x 30'10" bedrm & deck addn to exist single fam res; addn to observe 10' rear yd; (2) constr 9'10" x 29 1611 breakfast & bath addn to rear of exist single fam res; addn to observe 6' rear yd; (3) constr 21 1 6" x 43 11011 bedrm & garage addn to exist single f'am res; addn to observe 12' rear yd where ex:ist single tam res observes 6' rear yd where 20' rear yd is req (See C-51.9'); at 7301 Encelia Dr betv Brodiaea Way & end of st, Zone R-1-10; Condl._________________________________ AMENDED Ap_glication____ case_No._8729_________ 7-20-68________