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La Jolla Country Club Heights Block D Card 1

LA JOLLA COUNTRY CLUB HEIGHTS BLOCK D CARD 1.tif I,_L__., LA JOLLA COUNTRY CLUB HEIGHTS BLOCK 0--SWly 110' Lot 3- Permit to Jeanne B Fiori to const res and gar on par gar to have 5' SB on Remley Pl reg SB to be obs. on Romero Dr Res 3614 12/15/48 SWly 110' lot 3- Ext of 6 mos from expir date of Res 3614 to Jeanne B Fiori to const res & gar 5' SB Remley Pl Res 3862 5/4/49 Por Lot 6 & Sly 10' priv rdwy- Cond'I permit to MO Robinson to erect sing fam res SEly end of Remley Pl Res 4557 4/5/50 Lot 1- Permit to F H Tewksbury to const 2,sty addn to & alter exist sing fam res por of res obs 5' side yd (10' re~) add to obs req side yd 7383 Remley Pl R-1-C Case 3348 5/4/60 Lot 4_ Permit to Donald & Joyce Schmock to const carport & laundry rm addn to exist sing fam res exist res has 6 1 side yd on E side proposed addn obs 9' side yd on W side 7345 Remley Pl R-1-C zone NH Case 3777 12/27/60 Por Lot 2- Z A considered amend app to comp! alters in progress to exist sing fam dwel 1 which incl p(ay rm with bar sink, 3 bedrms, & bath on lower fl r & to rect 2 sty add with 4 1 side yd J' from eave to PL where 8 1 side yd is req which incl new entrance entry hall, powder rm, enlargement of liv rm with int stairwy to lo,ier fir which includ bath, hall & stge rm exist main entrance to be closed to enlarge dining rm 7362 Remley Pl Zone R-~~c DENIED 4' side yd but APPROVED addn to obs 5' side yd &, eaves 3' 9" from side 1 ot line cond' 1 AGREEMT 1242 4/5/63 Case 5495 4/5/63 Por Lot 5 SWly of Remley Pl- Permit to Edgar O & Gertrude S Price to erect 4 1 hi chain I ink fence on par Por to be in s8 area on Romero Dr where max 3 1 hi perm in SB area 7324 Remley Pl SElyofRomeroCt R-1-10 cond'l Amend to read erect 5' hi chain lk fence 5/8/64 Case 6391 3/23/64..