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Development Services

La Jolla Beach Block 5 Card 3

LA JOLLA BEACH BLOCK 5 CARD 3.tif ~:~~:~~-:~::vision Plat 262- (So,th 1/2:~=~: 13 and 14 togethe, wlt~~t of the South 1/2 of Lot 15)- Permit DENIED by ZA to PATRICIA DALEY GRISHAM to construct a storage area, garage with deck on top, and stairs addition to an existing single-family dwelling; existing building observes a 0 1 rear yard; and (1) addition will observe a 0 1 rear yard where 4 1 is required, and (2) addition will observe a 2.5 1 Interior side yard on the west side where 4 1 is required, at 302 Sea Lane, Zone R-1-5. C-17426 11-13-81 BZA- APPEAL DENIED. Decision of the ZA upheld and adopted his Finding of Facts. 1/21/82 South 1/2 of Lots 13 and 14- AGREEMENT to PATRICIA GRISHAM to construct bedroom and bath addition over storage room to existing split level single-family home, located at 302 Sea Lane, Zone Rl-5000. AGREEMENT #3298 5-23-85