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Development Services

La Jolla Beach Block 3 Card 1

LA JOLLA BEACH BLOCK 3 CARD 1.tif..... LA JOLLA BEACH.r;.~, BLOCK 3 Lot 1 Permit to R. W. S. & M. Invison to erect a tvo car 7414 Monte Vista St. rovided setbal!k maintained is same as bl to north res. 3 11 21 46 Lot 1 Permit to R.W.S. and Ruth M. Davison to erect a two car gar on the front por of lot. 7416 J(onte Vista St. w1 th no sideyd on north but maintaining fequired sideyd on the south res. #l'JJ4 11/21/46 Lots 5-8 Permit to Ross Investment Co. to split into 2 parcels 50' x 115' ea, Ne cor Marine & Vista Del Mar Ave, facing Vista Del Mar, & erect sing. fam. res. on ea Res.#37~ 4/6/49 Lots 5- Permit to Frank & Nelly Dore, Jr. to const sing fem res w1 th 20' setback on Vista del Mar & no setback on Marine St. REs. 827-- 1 S. 50' Lots 5- Ext, of Rex, 5827 be granted to Frank & Nelly Dore Jr. to const sing fam res Vi th 20' SB on Vista Del Mar & 0' on Marine St. Res. # 6218 2/20/52 8. 50 Lota 5-8 ext ot Re 5827 be graatecl to Prank Belly l> ore, Jr. to cout aing faa re vitl:I. 20 Oil Yita ael Naa O" OD Maria St. 6218 2 2 Lot Perait to Loi Angier to cont inc t.. re vitb O' reary4, 1W oor Marine It.. JloDte Yita ATeaue. re l~ . 8 50' ten 5, hrai t to J'rult Dore, Jr Belly, to erect gar vU,a o' rea l' ' I D cor Yiata clel Mar Karine It. . 6 20 6 ll 2 Lot Perait to Loi Angier to oout inc taa re vitb 10' 1ae St. te