La Huerta Block 2
LA HUERTA BLOCK 2.tif LA HUERTA BLOCK 2 Blk,s 1-2 Lots 1-6 & 7-9 EiriEWATER & SEABREEZE Res #6309(, R:i (Ord. 118) suspended for Junk Yd. Permit to H.H. Myers, Box 284 National City Expires August 20th, 1936 Nay 28th, 1935 Also REIK 61423 2/26/34 Lots l& 2 Permit to Helen M. PrinOe to split Res If 1265 expired ~26/35 into two bl.dg sites,' x 100' 1/3/46 Breeze Street Seabree e & E ewater St. o s erm o e en r nee o sp no wo Breeze instead of Ce.l.le rovided A setback 6f Sea Breeze on Sea Lots 7 & Permit to Rel.en Prince to split into tvo bldg sites 'x 100' facing on Seal3reeze instead of Ce.l.le provided a setback of 15' is maintain on Ce.l.le & 10' on Sea Breeze Res. #1469 4/11/46 Lots 1-8 inclusive. Permit to Ralph and Florence Bacon to const. wire fence 5' in ht. in front of setbacl: line at 2449 Sea Breeze Drive, fence to be heavy galvanized chain link fencing. Res1 #2476 12/?7/47 Lots 11 & 12 Permit DENIE.1) to WL. & Helen Berller to erect 2 liv units on each lot, lying li.i of 6o20 Winchester St, Res. #70'?7 12/10/52 Lot 9- to Helen R. Berger to constr a 14 1 x 29 1 bdrm & bth addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs 16 1 6ff rear yd where 20 1 is req. Zone R-1-5 Case #8957 10-21-68