Knollwood Park Card 3
KNOLLWOOD PARK CARD 3.tif KNOL[WOOD PARK '\~\\.. ~- CARD #3 t(Lot 130-!A DEN I ED request of PAUL & SUSAN ROSENBERG to cons tr. 79' of 6' high wood fence observing a!4'street side yard within the 4' rear yard where 15' is reqd. & where a rear yard of any premises immediately adjoins a front yard of adjacent premises at 6797 Deerwood Court, Zone Rl-5000. C-19203 6/17/86---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rm 126- AGREE# 3670 that OOY PARSONS to construct a sing-farn, dwell. containing 2nd sto:ry w/bar sink adjacent to recreation roan w/interior access caning fran bedrocan at 8008 Deerfield St. ZONE Rl-5000 3-24-87 Lot 206- AGREEMENT with James R, and Donna M. Stable to maintain a toilet and sink only withit an existing detached garage on a lot with an existing ~nlom single-family dwelling, (EXISTING SHOWER TO BE REMOVED), Plans indicate that an existiqg ~~~A,.,, space exists behind required front yard, located at 8121 Doe Point, Rl-5000 Zone,_________________________ A_G_~E_E_l@:Jl_T_J~089________--------- 08/08/91--