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Development Services

Knollwood Park Card 2

KNOLLWOOD PARK CARD 2.tif KNOLLWOOD PARK Lot 92- Land Conservation Permit to Harry 1. \l\1> CARD# 2 '-{to Jensen for retaining wall at 7887 Deerfield St. 129-LC 8-14-74 Lot 170- Permit to Ernie J. Fuentes DENIED to erect approx 50' of 5' hi ret wall obs at clst pt O' st sideyd on Deerfield St & approx 85 1 of 5' hi comb blk & wood fence obs 0' frontyd on Deep Valley Rd where max 3' hi fence perm In req 10 1 st sideyd & 15' frontyd but APPROVED overht ret wall & 5' fence on Deerfield St, 6804 Deep Valley Rd, Zone R-1-5, C-13551 N.H. 3-9-76-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 182- Permit to Gaylord Norcross at 8251 Hillandale Dr., Zone R-1-5, to constr approx 50' of 5' high fence obs O' street side yard on Deep Valley Rd. Condit. C-16124 6/7/79 Lot 189- Permit was considered by ZA to CHRISTOPHER P. AND JOANNE. GILMORE to maintain approximately 80 1-011 of 5'-0" high fence at 6 1-011 setback where a maximum 3'-0" high fence is permitted within the required 10'-0" street side yard, located at 8175 Aedan Court, Zone R-1-5. DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED approximately 40'-011 of 5 1-0" high fence at 6 '-0" setback. Condition. C-18262 NH 11-28-83 Lot 20- Permit DENIED by ZA to WARREN F. AND MARCIA J. PAYNE to construct approximately 65 1-0 11 of 5'-0 11 high solid fence observing a 0'-0" front yard where a maximum 3'-0" high fence is permitted in required 15'-0" front yard- located at 8058 Hillandale Drive, Zone R-1-5. C-18452 NH 5-29-84