Hubner Park
HUBNER PARK.tif HUBNER PARK Lot 2- Permit to Edmund G. & Gertrude Mayville to const wall, 0' to 3' on top retain wall, & 5' free-stand wall, in setback area; 5579 Streamv:lew Dr. of Case No. 133 5-5-54 ~1 Lot 103- Condl permit to Frank T. & Gertrude M. Eustace to maintain & replace bamboo roof of existing attached carport located less than 70' from front PL which observes 6" side yd where 41 1s req; at 5633 Michael St betw Spa St & Stream- view Dr, Zone R-1-5. Case No. 7015 3-18-65 Lot 74- Permit to Ruth L. Papciak to erect approx 31' of 6' hi solid wood fence obs O' SB on Day St. where max 3' hi fence is perm in 10' es tab SB when property abuts front yard of adjoining lot, and to maintain 42' of 41 to j' hi solid fence above 3' to l' hi retaining wall obs O' SB on Day St., at 5640 Michael St. betw Day and Spa Streets, Zone R-1-5, cond 'l. C-12884 N.H. 10-25-74 Lot 2- AGREEMENT to SALVADOR AND MARIA VIDRI0S to add family room with bar sink, at 5579 Streamview Drive, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2754 3-3-82 lot 61- AGREEMENT with ORVILLE & JOYCE L. CARI'ER to construct a bedroan with full bath to an existing single-family dwelling; with outside access and interior access through hall which leads to a living roan at 5609 Dwight. Agreement *3910 1-29-88