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Hubner Knolls Annex Card 1

HUBNER KNOLLS ANNEX CARD 1.tif.....--.,,,; HUBNER KNOLLS ANNEX Card #1 Lot 96- Permit to Albert H. & Doloris E. Miller to erect ret. wall fr. of SB line, ht(q <{from 21 to 121 1 5505 Dwight St. Res. 6009 11/15/51 Lot 21- Permi~ to Archie &-Dawn Persall to erect approx 14 Jin ft. of retaining wall 12'.high on side lot line nr rear, SE cor Winlow & Dwight Sts. Res. 6086 12/26/51 Lot 83- Permit to Maurice B & rosita R. Cline to cosnt gar approx 17' x 22', 66 1 back of fr prop line, with o' side yd, 5556 Michael St. Res. 8620_}_1/24/_2_4____________ Lot 26- Permit to Richard O. & Helen Morse to convert the exist 14' x 19' bldg.(with 3'side;yd to bedrm & bath, which bldg. is att to sing fam dwell (obs all yd req) by a 12' wide patio structure where 5' sideyd is req, at 3416- 55th St. betw Streamview Dr. & Dwight St., Zone R-1. C-5769 6/27/63 Lot"\ <.{Permit to Eugene L. & Lavina;-~-i-~----.. consists of I iv. rm, bdrm & kitchenette equipped w/sink, stove & refrig., 2nd unit to be for 1 ife of Mrs. Ethel Boles, mother of Eugene L, Boles or:mti l prop.:.,,, l 'Jy appl.,which ever is earlier date at 1405,l(lteAce St.. NF cnr Str.. an1"i,-w "r. & Ace. St., Zone R-1-5,cond'I AGBEEHENI 81333 7122/64 Dase 6592 7/)6164 Lot 28- The ZA considered the app of Mildred 0. Pleva to maintain 6 1 high, solid wood fence pbs; 1 411 SB from 55th St. where max 3' high fence is perm in est 10'- 15' SB at 5474 Stream- view betw Winlow St. & 55th St., Zone R-1-5,.and has DENIED the 6 1 high fence as requested but has PPPROVED a 5' high fence in present location, cond'l. Case No. 7810 (N.H.) 7/27/66