Horton's Purchase Lot 29 Card 3
HORTON'S PURCHASE LOT 29 CARD 3.tif HORTON'S,uRCHASE LOT 29_. card 3 ~ Por- Permit to Calif Yearly Meeting of Friends Churches, pur; Lois E Thacher & W S Hambly, owners, to const ~hurch plant with two 4 1 x6 1 sign back of SB, S side of A St betw 49th & Euclid Ave, cond'l R-1 w Case 1759 4/4/58 Por NW- & por NW Lot 28- Wright Bros Junior-Senior high school on Hilltop Dr betw 47th & Euclid h CUP 2257 3/4/59 Porto SD City Schools ext to 3/19/61 CUP 2257 3/2/59 Por- Permit to Lois E Thacher to move in a single fam res & gar on a par with no frontage on a dedicated street but served by a 61 1 wide easement from Hilltop Dr exist residence to be ocnverted to stocage bldg where a minimum 50' frontage is req NE of Carolina Land R-1-5 Case 6484 6/1/64 AMENDMENT to Case No. 1759 to permit a sign, approx 9' x 5', to be reinstalled as shown on Plot Plan. Case No. 1759 10-20-70-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por- Permit DENIED to Perry D. Edson, Henry and Sylvia Wilson, Agnes Synek, Owners and Snell 011 Co. to constr and operate a service station with accessory sales, located on tne west side of Euclid Ave. betw State Hignway 94 and Hilltop Dr. Zone R-1-5. 331-PC 2-18-72------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABOVE APPEALED- Council DElllED tne appeal and tne deciaion of tne Planning COllllll is nereby upneld. 331-PC 3-30-72----------------------------------------------------------------------------------North Half of the north half of the SE quarter of lot 29 excepting there from the southermy 66 feet- AGREEMENT with Douglas Greer and Lance Dixon to convert existing detached garage to workshop, study and storage room, no plumbing, located at 1040 Euclic Avenue,SF-5000 Zone. AGREEMENT $5182 11/12/91