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Horton's Purchase Lot 1 Card 2

HORTON'S PURCHASE LOT 1 CARD 2.tif HORTON'S PURCHASE LOT l rJC,el), Card #2 ~ SE Lot l- Permit to Geo. Bissell, own, Chizuko Shinzaki, lessee to erect 150' x 60 1 growning house to replace bldg being demolished, to use in connection with retail & wholesale nursery, SW sides of' Euclid, N of' Fir St., Zone R-1, expire 6-30-55. Res. 7950 12-23-53------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SE Lot l- 3 yr ext to Chizuko Shinzaki & Geo. Fujimoto to maint nursery on par lying S & W of' Euclid Ave., N of' Fir St., condl Res. 8930 5-25-55 3 yr ext 6-16-58 i, sw of 1, NW~ of 15- Permit to Euclid Mesa Co. (Leonard L. Drogin) to const 4 sin- fam model homes, on N side Elm betw 49tn & 50th, condl. Res. 9362 1-4-56 S:Ef,- of Lot l- Permit to Euclid Nursery to continue business for 5 yrs to exp 6-30-66, condl (formerly Res. 8930 & 7427) c-1887 10 Y_"f; e~~ t~ e~p 6:~~:76 (.4:;~:61) a,yy,y_~,1- 3-is- 7 _ 0_0 (_ <::>-g~ L~_______________ f____;1_c1(____ z_J__ ~-~-~~-~-~--Jl.!{_3____ lj----------- Por Lot l- Permit to Dayton Runnels, own & Columbus Club, Inc., p8rcn to constr & oper Knights of Columbus club nouse & recreation fac on NE side Euclid Ave. betw 54tn & Dalehaven Pl. R-1 Zone, condl CUP c-4191 8-2-61---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPEALF.D by Louis J. Garner & John R. Sutliff' on behalf of thellljleJ.v~s & others is SUSTAINec & action of P.C. is overruled. CClb7696 9-21-61 Por Lot l- AGREEMENT #771 to Dayton E, & Yvonne ~unnels to erect a second sin fam res on 0ro of lot 1, Res. 6501 9-23-52