Horton's Addn. Block 397 Card 1
HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 397 CARD 1.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 397 Card#. Lota A to F and (Lota 14 to 17, inc. Blk 4, Osborn Hill)- Cond'l permit to Union Title Insurance & Trust Co., trustee, to excavate 4850 cu.;yda. of dirt on Eagle St. between Thom & Upaa Sta. Res._No-. 745 10-13-44----------------------------------------------------Lots G and H- Pennit to Union Title Insurance & Trust Co. to erect two standard poster panels in the 3300 block on Repiard Way, provided the req setback is maintained. Rea. No. 1107 9-27-45-----------------------------------------Por F, G, & H lyi11g Ely or Reynard Way & Nly 401 or Thorn St. clad adj- v Permit to Francia I.. & Francia Montijo 70 erect triplex with 5 1 SB Rea. No. 6159 2-6-52------------------------------------ Lot J, Permit to Raymond J. Harri.a to const sin f'am res observing 5f't. SB, where 15' req, east aide of' Repiard Way, 100' Sor Upas, Zone R-4. Case #326 3-9-56----------------------------- Lots K & L- ASSISt. z. A. cons.req. of Bart Baron l@ (1) constr. 10-unit, 2-story apartment bldg. obs. 5' front yd. on Reynard Way where 15' is req; (2) erect 15' of retain. wall rang. in ht. from 2' to 5', obs. 0' front yd on Dove St. where max. 3' wall is perm. in req. 15' front yard; (3) provide 10 parking spaces obs. 0' from front property line on Dove St. (unimproved), where 3' from prop. 1 ine and 18 1 from face of curb is req; & (4) eliminate req. landscaping bet. front of bldg. and (cont. on Card #2)