Horton's Addn. Block 388 Card 1
HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 388 CARD 1.tif HORICN 1S ADDITION BLOCK J88 Lots A & B- Permit to Theodore M Jacobs to remodel a bldg at 3361 4th SB on 4th Ave Res 1517 4/25/46 card.~ Ave wit~ 6 1_) Lot A- Permit to Theodore M Jacobs, owner, and Richard Rench, lessee, to use exist gar for stg and sorting of flowers 419 Upas St for period of I yr Res 2819 I /28/38 Lot A- Extension of I yr on Res 2819 ABOVE granted to Theodore M Jacobs Res 3653 1/12/49 Lot F- Condi permit to Dr George L Kilgore, owner & C Melvin Shrum & Re Cassell, lessees, to alter exist bldg, NE cor 4th & Thorn Sts into office for assembling, fitting & adjusting of glasses & retail sales Res 3795 4/6/49 Lots A & B- Condi permit to Theodore H jacobs, owner & D.B. Chatterton DDS to operate commercial dental lab in exist bldg 3355 4th Ave Res 4638 5/3/50 Lots A & B- Permit to Theo M Jacobs to const addn to exist dental office with 6 1 SB 3355 4th Ave Res 5931 I 0/3/51 Lots A & 8- Permit to Theo M Jacobs to const addn to exist dental office with 4 1 rear yd & 66% coverage 3355 4th Ave Res 5932 10/3/51 Lots A & 8- 6 mo ext to Res 5931 & 5932 ABOVE Res 6328 4/2/52 Lots E & F- Permit to Dr Geo L Kilgore, owner & Eleanor C Anderson, lessee, to oper ophthalmic lab 3315 4th Ave Res 7931 12/9/53 Lot D- Permit to Mary Buck Farrow & charlotte D Buck to const bath add to exist res with 2 1 611 siak,yd add observe req yd Case 161 8/24/54