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Horton's Addn. Block 348 Card 1

HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 348 CARD 1.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 348.CA~l ~ Por Lot A & B- Permit to John & Melba Vawter to erect approx 76' of concret k' 1 retaining wall, ranging in ht from 2' to 6 1 hi within req IO'street side yd o edwood St~ req 15' front yd on N Arroyo Dr where a 3' hi wall or fence only ls perm 3070 N Arroyo Dr.betw Redwood & Brant Sts Zone R-1-5 condl Case9124NH 2/3/69 Lots G & H- Permit to Gene & Donna Fuller to constr sin fam dwell obs 4 1 rear yd where 20' is req at 306 Quince St betw Brant St & Albatross St Zone R-l-5 condl Lots A & with bar bar sinlr.. B (por)- AGREEMENT 1569 to John G sink in studio room on first level in studio room on first level Case 9087 2/5/69 & Melba H Vawter to const sing fam dwell 3070 North Arroyo Dr, Zone R-1-5 with Agreement 1569 2/11/69 Lots k & land Por of Lot a- Permit to Leslie & Lillian Hill to construct a 25' x 26 1 carport on lot with proposed single family dwelling, carport to observe, as amended 12' front yard waere 15' is requieed at 3075 N. Arroyo Dr. betw Redwood & Quince St;., in the R-1-5 zone. C-96o3 N.H. 11-12-69 Lota B,C & D and Street clcinl-1.1- Pemit to PraDk & Jlaureen norea, Jr to coutr - twO-atoq in ta re Secor&d floor ot re 1clce to ob 8 1 front y4 vbere 15' 1 req. at Bortb Arro70 Dr betv Brant 8t & Redvocd 8t. Zone Jt-l-5. c-10534 c;;;f_i_F_:-;nJ-Por-of-srant-st-;iosiJ-:-eirmft-;o-cooiJr~-i-M~~-w~-w~-cake-;oconstr-- a sin fam res and detached gar obs 16' rear yd where 20 1 is req- Parcels A and B of Div Plat #247, Brant St betw Quince St and Redwood St. Zone R-l-5. C-10715 N.H. 8-5-71 0---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------