Horton's Addn. Block 326 Card 1
HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 326 CARD 1.tif I HORTON'S ADDITION Lot A & N of Lot operate optometric BL~K 326 CARD ~ B, the-:;r of Lot K & all of Lot L- Permit to Roy French to office, also other professional offices on the SW cor of 4th & palm Res 1504 ~125/46 Lot l- Permit DENIED to Dr Robt Lo,;reall to operate architect-1.s office in conjunc with doctor's office 2830 4th Ave Res 4831 7/12/50 Lot I- Robert G Loveall MD, & Richard George Wheeler, architect, appeal filed on Res 4831 ABOVE sustained & permit granted Res 98872 8/1/50 Lot A, N of Kand N of B- Cond'l permit G.L. Benbough to enclose & convert to office use approx 1526 sq ft open parking area in RP Zone on 1st flr level of SE cor of exist non-conform prof bldg ext into adj R-4 as permitted by C1773 w/off-street parking provided for 17 cars on a~j R-4 parcle where 23 parking spaces are re~ (Case No 7028) and to remove exist canopy obs 6 1 & 1 SB and erect sunscreen add to front & N side of 2nd story of exist 2-story prof bldg obs 11' SB from 4th Ave; sun~creen add to obs 7' SB from 4th Ave where 15.9' average of block SB is req 2866 4th Ave SW cor of Palm St Zone R-4 (A) & Zone RP(L&K) AMENDED 9-19-83 Case 7029 & 7028 3/25/65 Lot A, N of B & K, all of L- Condl permit to Dr & Mrs Roy F Kidd to const add to exist professional bldg, a por to project into R-4 Zone, 2866 4th Ave, R-P & R-4 Case 1773 4/11/58