Horton's Addn Block 307
HORTON'S ADDN BLOCK 307.tif HOR'l'ON'S ADDITION BLOCK 307 . (~ Lot K- Perini t to Frank J. Miles, 2748 5th Ave. to erect & operate a cottage on ttle rear of lot K with a 3' side yd, 61 rear yd, 3~ coverage. Res. 65o87 10-27-36 Lot H- Perinit to M.L. McPnerren to build an 8 1 concrete block garden wall at 2720' 5th Ave. Res. 1513 4-25-46 Lot C- Perinit to Mrs. McCullough & Francis Skaggs to operate antique shop in apart- ment at 2743 4th Ave. for 3 years,. Res. 65931 5-11-37 Lots J, K 1 L HORTON'S ADDITION, ZA APPROVED for JOHN J. McQUAIDE AND LINVILLE C. MARTIN, MASTER LESSEE: W.D.'S ON FIFTH, INC., SUBLESSEE- to provide live entertainment (limited to piano playing and vocal) in a proposed restaurant and cocktail lounge where such use is permitted by Conditional Use Permit only. Located at 2770 5th Avenue, CV-1 zone Mid-City Communities Planned District, Airport Approach Overlay Zone. CUP-20405 10-27-89