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Development Services

Horton's Addn. Block 287 Card 1

HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 287 CARD 1.tif HOR'l'ON'S ADDITION BLOCK 287 Lot C- Fermi t to Dana C. & Jean V. Stevens to make add of batb & laundry rm at 2525 1st Ave. with rear yd of 3' & convert one room from bedrm into kitchen witb O' side yd, condl Res. 238 2-25-43 See Agrelllllent /1218 Lot D- Permit to Riva & Elya Bresler to remodel & exist sin fam dwell at 2519 1st Ave. into a 4 apt bldg witll 2 '4" side yd. Res. 4-07 9-23-43------------------------------------------.--------------------------------------------- Lots A & B- Permit, condl, to Werner W. Duemling, M.D. & Jolln c. Craddock, DDS to operate prescription pharmacy for patients & doctors only in medical clinic bldg under constr, 25611st Ave. Res. 5071 10-18-50 Lot D- Permit to E.F. Giverson to const addns to exist duplex, stairway with 2'6" sideyd 2525 1st Ave. Res. 6241 3-5-52 Lots E & F- Permit to David Casey to const professional bldg providing 17 park spaces (20 req) 110 Laurel St., R-P Zone cond: recreational space, etc not be converted to offices or other productive floor space. C-3921 3-10-61 Lot C- Dana c. Stevens & Jean v. Stevens to make an addn ot bath & Laundry rm witll a rear yd of 3' & to convert l rm from a bedrm into a kitchen with a O' side yd. A-218 3-2-43