Horton's Addn. Block 250 Card 1
HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 250 CARD 1.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 250-- s CARD #1 N 36; of E 80 1 of Lot H- Permit to Earl & Nina Cameron to erect 8 1 retain wall in SB area, 2124 Front St. Res. 7262 3-18-53 West 81' of Lot F and South 6 1 of west 81 1 of Lot E- Permit to JOSEPH P. O'TOOLE to construct 455 sq. ft. detached garage on lot with existing single-family dwelling; garage to observe a 0' front yard where 15 1 is required, located at 220 W, Hawthorne Street, Zone R-3A. C-18097 TABLED Portion of Lot E and Portion of Lot F- ZA APPROVED subject to conditions the request of of JOSEPH O'TOOLE to construct a 455 sq. ft., detached garage on a lot with an existing single-family dwelling. Garage to observE 0'-0" setback where 15'0" is required. To construct approx. 4'0" of 5 1 0" high, 50% open gate to observe O'-O" frontyard where 15'-0" is required. To maintain 15'0" of 50% open chain link fence observing a O'O" front yard at the closest point where 15'0" is required at 220wHawthorn, R-600 Zone, Airport Approach overlay. c-19770 APPROVED w/ cond.---------------------------------------------------------------------------