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Development Services

Horton's Addn. Block 241 Card 2

HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 241 CARD 2.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 241 Lots B & C- Permit to Mr. C. H. Auaustine & Mr. Geo, E. Bryans to constr 2700 sq ft, 2nd story addn to nonconform of.Tice bldg used as law offic'es; addn to pro- vide office space for max of 9 attorneys, extend over exist parking area for 11 cars at rear, obs 5' rear yd & result in approx 54%.coverage, w/exist parking to be maintained, where max of 2 doctors or dentists with 3 employees ea are perm on premises, 10 1 rear yd req & max 50% coverage perm; 2055 Third Ave, Zone R-4; Condi. Case Nos. 6074 & 6075 11-8-63 Atty.-- Lots B & C- Appeal ofJohn B. Chadwell (Dave Pitkins) wfthdrawn to permit ten business offices instead of 9, Case 6074, 6075 10t"4/78------------------------------------------------------------------------------------