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Horton's Addn. Block 236

HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 236.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 236 Por Lots H, I & J (also Por Lot 10, Blk 47, Middletown)- Permit to Maurice Dick to constr 3 story, 5 unit apt bldg w/stairway & 2nd story encr 4 1 into req 15' front yd & 2nd story balcony encr 4 1 into req 10' rear yd; 2032 Albatross St betw Grape & Hawthorne Sts, Zone R-4; Condi. Case No. 8114 5-10-67 (I yr. ext. to expire 5-10-69 (4-25-68))------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot L (See also Lot 2, Block 47, Middletown)- Permit to Dean S. Cummings to const a three-story, five-unit condominium to: obs a 5' rear yard; to obs a O' street side yard for the stairway auuit along Hawthorne Street, and approved overheight fences~ 319 West HgrJ:on j}reeb, Zone R-3A. ConditL9.QS C-1528~ 9-tt:i ll <1'E"1C> E.l)TD3/'{ro,~8'f11\-~=-~~~..-~o-:l-:~.:st9,,.--'i~:-~""-~---LJ__ ~JQ!CQf_JJ1:1S:_J:l <.PJ.R.~.S-J..c>:J:!l~----- (10-11-83)