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Development Services

Horton's Addition Block 28

HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 28.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 28 Lot C- Permit to John R. Blackett to erect 13' retaining wall along east end of the lot. Res. 1071 8-20-45 Lots G & I- Permit to Rachel Wegeforth, owner, Pearson Motor Co., leesee to erect a fence of steel & board to height of 17' at 1240 Broadway. Res. 3630 12-29-48 Lot C- PLANNING COMMISSION granted permission to Hinwick Trust (Edward H. and Mildred W. Hinkle) Co., Trustees, owners, and San Diego Youth and Community Services, a California Corporation, permittee, to operate a 20-bed overnight shelter for the homeless and runaway street youth located on the wast side of 12th Street between C and Broadway (1039 12th St.) in the RCX zone of the Centre City East PLanned District. CUP 87-0104 9-15-88