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Development Services

Horton's Addition Block 262

HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 262.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 262 Lots E & F (w) = Build a 3 story apt house on 4th & Juniper Ste. out to the prop line on both streets. Permit to Am Bldg & Investment Corp. Res. 47138 9-11-28 Lot J (N40')- Permit to Gilbert A. & Frances M. Reynolds to remodel exist res at 2342 5th Ave., into 4 unit apt with exist bay window & roof gable 2 1 6 11 from side line and constr stairway, 6 1 above let floor level with 2' side yd (HOLC) Res. 348 7-15-43